universidade lusófona
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Em outubro de 2023 será realizado um BIP organizado pelo ISVOUGA e pelo ISMT entre os dias 23 e 27 de outubro denominado (RE)CONNECTING THE CITY TO THE PEOPLE.

The (RE)CONNECTING THE CITY TO THE PEOPLE Event is one of the many actions in the program “Right to the City” (D@C) about knowledge and skills theoretical, methodological, ethical, and professional on the sustainable city for the 21st century, in compliance with UN SDGs. Quality of life is directly linked to the experience of spaces as a reflection of action between actors, mobility, and interaction, between knowledge (research and teaching), power (law and regulation) and experimentation (learning and application with the population) are fundamental. The expected impact focuses on improving the knowledge and practices of the parties involved, which contributes to making the city, an equitable way, ensuring a permeability between academia, practicians, and society, through the dissemination of contents and instruments that are supporting the development of a city cocreated between actors, to provide answers to common primary needs and rights.