universidade lusófona
  • Português
  • English


The fundamental objective of this mobility consortium is to speed up the reflection and application of the issues of the right to the city in the sense that they will have repercussions on the quality of life of the human habitat and on the instruments that guide the making of the city as a common good.

Since quality of life is directly linked to the experience of spaces as a reflection of action among actors, mobility and the possibility of interaction between knowledge (research and teaching), power (regulation and regulation) and experimentation (learning and application with the population), is fundamental.

Because this work stems from the experience of the place and the complexity and successive overlapping visions that the applied study of cities requires, part of the activities require mobility.

The present application of the “Right to the City” (D@C) consortium aims at deepening knowledge and skills – theoretical, methodological, ethical and professional – around the theme of the sustainable city for the 21st century (in compliance with the sustainable development goals advanced by the United Nations). It is about creating opportunities to go and learn in other contexts, to bring to one’s own contexts and even to take this knowledge to third contexts (also because of the diversity of nationalities of our students). Likewise, it is of great importance, for the corresponding sensitization from a social point of view, for the exercise of forcing to reflect according to local and temporal constraints. In this global world, our young students are faced with countless opportunities to work in, enjoy, and care for the cities in which they (con)live. In this process, it is important that cities are inclusive, giving all students equal opportunities.

From a global perspective of the consortium, the following objectives are aimed at:

i) Consolidating knowledge;

ii) Learning other ways of thinking and doing;

iii) Developing technical skills;

iv) Acquiring professional experience;

v) Discovering and recognizing opportunities in other markets;

v) Developing linguistic and intercultural skills, essential to any job market, as well as relational, communication, autonomy and collaborative decision-making skills, integrated into the soft skills essential to any company and vi) Raising professional, political and social awareness.