universidade lusófona
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Ligia Nunes

Ligia Nunes is graduated in Architecture by FAUTLisboa Portugal and a PhD in Heritage and Architectural Rehabilitation by the Construction Department of ETSA Spain. Architecture teacher since 1997 in the areas of Project, Theory, History of Architecture and Cooperation for Development in Architecture, is a professor at Universidade Lusófona. Cooperates with ISCTE – IULisboa in post-graduated courses and its a member of CEAU_FAUP in the line of “Patrimonio Arquitectura Cidade e Território in the field of Architecture, city and territory heritage” and UNESCO chair in the same group. Founded ASF_Portugal – Arquitectos Sem Fronteiras Portugal that were funding members of “Architecture Sans Frontières International” wish chaired from 2018 to 2022. Is now the coordinator of “Training and Research”in the same organisation.