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International Congress Right to the City

Critical approach to reflection and intervention on the city.

“The International Congress that encourages reflection on the theme “Right to the City”, in an inclusive, participative and intelligent perspective, through the review of public policies, took place at ULP – Universidade Lusófona do Porto, on 18/05, and at Iscte, on 25/05″.

The Meeting is part of the program of the European Consortium “Right to the City” (D@C – 2021-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000034185) and aims to promote a critical approach to reflection and intervention on the city.


Themes for Discussion

Inclusive City
Intelligent City
Political City
Laboratory City
ULP Program – May 18th

9:30 am – Opening

Isabel Babo (Rector of ULP)
Elisabete Pinto da Costa (ULP)
Alexandra Paio (Iscte)
Maria Rosa Tomé (ISMT)
José Carlos Martins (ISVOUGA)
José António Ferreira (DOMUS Social)

The United Nations put Human Rights at the center of the debate.
David Harvey, in El derecho à la ciudad, demands more than access to urban resources.
What cities do we want? How can we promote more inclusive cities?

Moderator: Fernanda Rodrigues (President of the Porto Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross)

10h00 – Design and accessibility in the city

Luísa Costa (Professor at ISMT)

10:20 am – Characteristics of an age-friendly urban environment: Data from a quantitative study in the city of Coimbra

Henrique Vicente and Fernanda Daniel (ISMT Professor)
Nuno Marques de Paiva (MSc at ISMT)

10:40 am – City of Oporto Municipal and Intercultural Mediation Project: Strategies and Challenges

Fernando Paulo (Councillor for Education and Social Cohesion of OPorto City Hall)

11h00 – Debate

11h20 – Coffee break

How to put technology at the service of cities?
How to approach urban planning and deal with the paradigm shift in the growth of cities?
How to solve aspects such as security and guarantee the rights of all in Smart Cities?

Moderator: Letícia Marques Costa (Professor at ISVOUGA)

11h40 – Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence
Rui Zeferino Ferreira (Professor at ISVOUGA)

12h00 – Technology, Security and Citizenship – A challenge and a necessary reflection!
José Alberto Campos Neves (Professor of ISVOUGA)

12h20 – Intelligent cities and the future of urban areas
Emídio Sousa (Mayor of Santa Maria da Feira)

12h40 – Debate

Moderator: Filipa Cardoso (Director of Smart Cities Magazine)

13h00 – Lunch Break

How to respond to the difficulties of integrating public policies for all users of cities?
How to make all its actors converge in the articulation of a set of integrated policies?
How to guarantee access to the city for all?

Moderator: Inês Godinho (Professor at ULP)

15h00 – The public policies of housing, environment and sustainability in the XXI century city

António Tavares (Professor at ULP and Purveyor of Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto)

15h20 – European Ecological Pact: sustainability of the city

Carlos Abreu Amorim (Professor of UM / ULP)

15h40 – Oporto: the housing and the city
Pedro Baganha (Vereador of Housing, Urbanism and Public Space of the City Council of Porto and President of the Board of DOMUS Social)

16h00 – Debate

16h20 – Coffee break

Henri Lefebvre, in Right to the City (1968), places the urban question at the core of the social question.
How to design and build a just city in commitment to the community?
How to rethink cities in their dynamics through innovative and collaborative urban practices?

Moderator: Lígia Nunes (ULP Professor)

16h40 – The Right to Inclusive Public Space: Co-creating Healthy Corridors with the Local Community

Gonçalo Canto Moniz (CES / UC Researcher and Coordinator of URBiNAT Project)

17h00 – Healthy Neighborhoods in the Periphery

Rosa Madeira (Researcher of CIDTFF / UA).

17h20 – Labic Aveiro-Laboratório de Cidadania Intercultural

Sofia Peyssonneau (AKF)

17h40 – Debate

18h00 – Closing

ISCTE Program – 25th May

9h30 – Opening

Maria da Dores Guerreiro (Vice-Rector of Iscte)
Maria do Rosário Anjos (ULP)
Alexandra Paio (Iscte)
Maria Rosa Tomé (ISMT)
José Carlos Martins (ISVOUGA)
José António Ferreira (DOMUS Social)

The United Nations put Human Rights at the center of the debate (Inclusive City)
David Harvey, in El derecho à la ciudad, demands more than access to urban resources.
What cities do we want? How can we promote more inclusive cities?

Moderator: Dulce Simões (Professor at ISMT)

10h00 – Alternative housing models for the elderly in Portugal and France

Vattani Saray-Delabar (Researcher of DINÂMIA’CET, Iscte)

10:20 am – Inclusive cities, cities with a future: indicators, sustainability and prosperity

Lia Ferreira (DINÂMIA’CET Researcher, Iscte)

10h40 – Poetry in the city

Luísa Costa (Professor at ISMT)

11h00 – Debate

11h20 – Coffee break

How to put technology at the service of cities?
How to approach urban planning and deal with the paradigm shift in the growth of cities?
How to solve aspects such as security and guarantee the rights of all in Smart Cities?

Moderator: Filipa Cardoso (Smart Cities Magazine)

11h40 – Smart Cities and Urbanism

Susana Lamas (Professor at ISVOUGA)

12h00 – Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Cláudio Flores (Professor at ULP)

12h20 – Beato Creative Hub

José Mota Leal (HCB Executive Director)

12h40 – Debate

13h00 – Lunch Break

How to respond to the difficulties of integrating public policies for all users of cities?
How to make all its actors converge in the articulation of a set of integrated policies?
How to guarantee access to the city for all.

Moderator: Domingos Pereira de Sousa (ULHT)

15h00 – Revisiting the right to housing: New forms of collaborative housing

Maria do Rosário Anjos (Professor at ULP)

15h20 – The right to the city: a “look” from Brazil

Wilson Engelmann (Professor at Unisinos, Brazil)

3:40pm – Public policies of municipal housing

Marta Sotto Mayor (Municipal Director of Housing and Local Development Lisbon Municipality)

16h00 – Debate

16h20 – Coffee break

Henri Lefebvre, in Right to the City (1968), places the urban question at the core of the social question.
How to design and build a just city in commitment to the community?
How to rethink cities in their dynamics through innovative and collaborative urban practices?

Moderator: Alexandra Paio (Iscte Professor)

16h40 – City Policies and Civil Society Movements in Portugal

João Seixas (Professor of UN / FCSH)

17h00 – Labic Barreiro – community innovation lab, Healthy Neighborhoods

Carolina Cardoso and Moisés Rosa (Labic Barreiro / DINÂMIA’CET Coordinators)

17h20 – Civic Initiatives in Metropolitan Context: The case of Ri zoma Integral Cooperative

Bernardo Fernandes and Chloé Gastine (Members of Rizoma Cooperativa Integral)

17h40 – Debate

18h00 – Closing Session

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